Sunday, July 9, 2023

I Am Not Dead Yet!

July 9, 2023

    Still here! Now 85-year-old cancer survivor living in Happy Valley, Oregon. We are an extended Family My wife Kelly and I live in a 1,000 square foot basement apartment. Upstairs live two of my grandson Jerry and Dillon parented by My son Jacob (the teacher) and my son-in-law, Derrick (the doctor). You need to know that though we are basement dwellers we live in a Million Dollar House -- with best backyard in the neighborhood. We have three dogs Margo, Rebba, and the newcomer Ernie the pesky Yorkie!
    Kelly is 10 years younger than I at a mere 75 years old. She has orthopedic problems which started with a 'malpractice' operation which placed fiberglass between vertebrae's with home medical tools fashioned by a wayward anesthesiologist faked being an orthopedic surgeon. Obviously lots of problems since but we continue to continue as a couple.
    I am retired Episcopal priest over thirty years and who also spent 10 years as a Methodist Preacher until I was kicked out of the ministry. There was certainly just cause for doing something with me for I still had not recovered my fight with mental illness. It took 30 some odd years for me to approach being somewhat normal. Kelly retired from being a Clinical Social Worker.
    Why do I write, I am not sure maybe it so can read my words and feel good about my life! Graduating from college and seminary with 40 years in Christian Ministry I find myself at odds with many, many of my Christian brothers and sisters! When I graduated from St. Paul's Seminary I was given a history award but you need to know I was no genius but was able to handle the other disciplines I had to study by always looking where a particular disciple came from in and through history. I used history as the 'main rail of my education and my life!
    I guess personally one little crisis, I had this year is when my older sister died, ---- my immediate family was gone ---- Mom, Dad, Brother and two sisters; this came to my consciousness as a shock! I lost my Dad and brother to cancer in their fifties. I did not escape the cancer and lost seral organs and some skin this killer! Yet, I am here, 84 years old wondering what has happened to the faith my wife and I struggled with for all these years?
    Young people I am telling you being a Senior Citizen is absolutely no fun especially when your days are spent questioning your faith and what you believe. It would seem at my age, to just go through the motions keeping one's upset thoughts to yourself and then quietly fade away! I am not dead so I cannot do that! I want to scream at the entire thing we call the Church and say we really are blind and confused by the complexity of our words and thoughts. What the hell are we doing!!

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