Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Does Anyone Know What Is Going On?

It has been a long time since I have written anything on this blog or anywhere for I simply think --- why? It is the 'Sound of Silence' in the world --- everyone is talking, no one is listening.

Current crisis is in my opinion everyone's fault for we have too long thought is was okay to be conspicious consumers in this world --- hey, it is the way of capitalism (and no one who is a 'true' American can be against this wonderful economic system)that encourages people to buy, buy --- anything and everything --- sell, sell anything and everything for the highest profit one can get --- who cares if more and more people in the rest of the world starve and die because of our way of life! Now our own system is destroying our own country and a large portion of people, the lower class and the middle class (yup, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer)It is just like our form of government --- by golly it is good for everyone --- we have some 'god given' right to 'invade' another sovereign nation in the name of democracy. Hey that guy was a bad dude (however if he and his people were black and had no oil we would have left them alone to die).Once again --- the American people were lied to --- just where are those weapons of mass destruction? Somewhere in the very distant past I remember those who could never find out if there really where enemy vessels attacking anyone in Tonkin Bay. History is truly that which if we do not study and reflect on it -- we are truly going to repeat tragic and death dealing mistakes!

Oh on the financial crisis --- I think our politicans should hold their noses swallow hard and vote for the 700 billion to buy up the toxic waste --- credit is frozen and problem needs solving. As I said above we can point to some real greedy people who exemplify weaknesses in our way of life where greed has been truly encouraged --- it is the badge of 'success' --- but we all fell for it --- some of us, a lot of us simply were not 'destined' to ever get to the 'promised land'.

After 70 years on this place called Earth --- I am amazed that humanity still cannot accept one another, still labeling one another 'things', and then destroying one another --- simply amazing!

As an retired christian priest I am amazed at the thing we created called the 'church' --- what consumes their leadership --- oh yes, division, name calling, and hundreds of groups claiming 'they' have the answers. Well, dummies you have answers 180 degrees off from one another (way to go liberals and conservatives, whatever that means)all in the name of 'God' --- can we not see the sincere folly? We have failed to do the childlike things Jesus Christ asked us to do --- yet, we speak of things we truly do not understand but claim the truth is in us --- stupidity! Church has become the place where we want to feel good about our own little world and our own little problems --- the 'feel good' place we visit to get through out lives! I think our radical brother Jesus is not pleased --- I admit that I sincerely missed the mark and did not want to recognise the radical demands of really being a follower of Jesus Christ!

Hey just an old priest who wonders why we do not see that all of our problems have come to us by our own hand --- love one another, forgive one another, compassion, mercy, acceptance -- I am my brothers(sisters) keeper ---- yeah, we sure have accomplised these so let us now tell the world what is right and wrong!

Love is the answer --- unfortunately we have not a clue what that means!